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Smile Works

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Artist ‘doing what I love’, embracing new tools and styles to tell local stories. In an age of technology and social media, young Cook Islander Morganne George doesn’t have so much use for her paintbrushes. Using her tablet loaded with design software and tools, she has discovered a new way to create art. Moving away from reliance on pencils and paint, Morganne says she now prefers to create art digitally.

“It has a very clean and crisp look to it.”

She finds inspiration in Japanese animation or anime which has grown as a commercial industry around the world and as an art form. George draws anime figures and her style is cartoonish, which she says has led her to start designing a comic book. She is working on a comic with a Cook Islands themed storyline that she hopes she will be able to publish in the near future. It will be a coming of age story for a boy named Jack, growing up in his Cook Islands family.

George recently had an art exhibition featuring ten of her paintings that portrayed a surreal girl with red hair.The exhibition was called ‘Rogue’ and the theme was a progression in red which combined pencil sketches and pops of red paint. She says she wanted to kick-start exhibitions for young artists who aren’t always recognised. Some of her bigger canvases were selling at $800 but George says art isn’t always business. She says she feels so strongly about what she has created that it’s hard to put a monetary value on it.

For George, it’s all about expression and she finds most of her influences online. “I’m doing what I love,” she says. George comes from a creative family who have supported her passion for art and is hoping to build a career as an artist.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”18958″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][woodmart_products taxonomies=”199″ columns=”4″ sale_countdown=”0″ stock_progress_bar=”0″ highlighted_products=”0″ products_bordered_grid=”0″ lazy_loading=”no”][/vc_column][/vc_row]